The Menomonie Farmers Market has been successful in offering local produce, meats, baked good and value-added farm products to the Menomonie area community since 2000. Founded by a small group of local farmers and enthusiasts the market has seen a remarkable growth in participation and sales. Farmer participation is approximately 85-100 vendors annually. A typical market day has 45-55 vendors selling everything from vegetables to fruit, eggs, meats, cheese, bakery, and handmade crafts. Market is held in Wilson Park Pavilion twice a week on Saturdays and Wednesdays during the Summer season and once a week on Saturdays during the winter months. Menomonie Farmers Market operates a SNAP/EBT program to ensure that people from a wide range of economic backgrounds have access to fresh farm-to-market food. This benefits both the vendors and customers alike.
The vision of the Menomonie Farmers Market is to support the growers and producers of agricultural commodities by offering a location for them to sell their produce to the local community. We hope to enhance the community through building relationships between producers and consumers, to support local economic activity, and to improve the sustainability of growing and producing these farm products and associated goods.
To promote a healthy lifestyle by making available a wide variety of quality, fresh produce and other farm products.
To provide an educational forum for consumers to learn the uses and benefits of high quality locally grown produce and other agricultural products.
To preserve Wisconsin’s unique agricultural heritage and the historical role farmers markets have played in that heritage.
The Menomonie Farmers Market is an incorporated 501(c)(3) - non-profit organization overseen by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS .
The board of directors will consist of 3 members who must be active market vendors or patrons and active in the community.
Board of directors will serve for a term of three years at which time there will be new elections held. Board elections must be held in October and board term should be November 01 – October 31. Board Members can choose to serve consecutive terms, if they wish to.
The board members shall have their contact information available to the market vendors and community. The board shall meet at least two times throughout the year to address organizational interests.
The board of directors is a non-paid, volunteer position.
The Board, as the governing body of the organization, has the responsibility and opportunity to hire the Executive Director. This is the most important decision that Board members will make during their tenure.
The board is responsible for hiring and establishing compensation (salary and benefits) for the executive director/CEO and management team that is “reasonable and not excessive,” but is also enough to attract and retain the best possible talent to lead the organization.
The Menomonie Farmers Market daily operations and the decisions are to be managed by the CEO and organization’s MANAGEMENT TEAM.
The Management Team consists of both paid & volunteer positions, depending on the organization’s needs and available budget. Any open positions are first offered to the active market vendors. If current year market vendors are not interested in applying for an open position, or the board doesn’t feel there is a qualifying market vendor available for the position, the position is then offered to the community members.
To become a candidate for any open position a vendor must:
Be a vendor at the market for at least three years.
Be in good standing with the market rules.
Be of a good character and respect confidentiality of the discussed matters.
Any open position, whether paid or volunteer, must be posted on the organization’s website. Those vendors interested in applying for any open position on the Management Team must inform the market manager in writing and hiring is a subject to Board’s Approval.
The management team responsibilities include, but not limited to Human Resources, Accounting & Bookkeeping, Grant Research & Grant Applications, Donation Drive, Special Events at the Market, Farm Visits, Email Marketing & Advertisement, Market Management during market hours, Website Updates and Maintenance, Social Media and Google Updates, Licensing & Regulations, New Member Approval & Applications, Volunteer Coordinator & State Reporting.
The Management Team serves as a liaison to the Downtown Menomonie and Menomonie Area Chamber of Commerce, liaison to the City of Menomonie, liaison to the WI Farmers Market Association and Farmer’s Market Coalition.
All Management Team members should be trained and be available to fill in as Market manager for market days as needed.
Decisions of who shall serve in what capacity shall be left up to the CEO, unless the board of directors decides otherwise.
Menomonie Farmers Market CEO will be responsible for resolving disputes related to the market rules. If questions arise about a vendor not following the rules, three Managing Team members shall collect necessary information and make a collective decision about how to deal with that vendor. Vendors may have their membership terminated at any point if the market management team determines that they are in violation of the established rules. It is recommended that the management team tries to resolve the issue before terminating membership.
The organization leaders will be familiar with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Plan.
Bylaws will be reviewed annually and any changes will be voted on by the board of directors. The bylaws may then be amended by a two-thirds vote of all board members.
An annual vendor meeting for the organization will be held in March or thereabout.
o This meeting will be used to communicate information about the upcoming market season,
o addresses any business related to the organization,
o provide application materials.
An earnest effort should be made to notify all members of all membership meetings at least two weeks in advance of all meetings, if possible. 
A full list of current year vendors will be updated on the organization’s website each year at the beginning of the farmers market season.
Menomonie Farmers Market is a producers-only market. This means that all products sold at the market must be grown, made or produced by vendors. Participation at the market is available to local area:
GROWERS – small family-owned farms located in the area and offering 100% farm-sourced products
PRODUCERS – small family businesses specializing in processed foods made from purchased ingredients
ARTISTS – small family-businesses specializing in original handmade art or craft.
As a local grower, I certify that all produce sold at the Menomonie Farmers Market is grown by me from seeds or plugs. I will be honestly sharing my farming practices, fertilizer usage, herbicide application and harvesting time with market staff and customers alike.
As an animal/poultry/fish farmer I certify that all animal products and by-products sold at the market are from animals grown on my farm. I certify that all animals/poultry were born on my farm or purchased at a young age and have been raised on my farm no less than:
For poultry: raised on my farm no less than eight weeks
For beef/cattle: raised on my farm no less than twelve months
For small ruminants & Swine: raised on my farm no less than six months
For egg: chickens raised on my farm no less than twelve weeks
As a producer vendor I certify that all items I sell at the market are made by me following my original formulas, recipes, formulations, and techniques. I pledge to never use pre-mixed products sold in bulk or in kits and use as much of local ingredients as possible.
As a local artist I certify that all items sold at the market are made by me from scratch and are of my original design, technology, and process. I pledge to never bring “kit crafts” or pre-made items.
All vendors agree to display their name or the name of their business prominently and conspicuously in the booth.
All Vendors agree to obey Fair Labeling and Packaging Act and follow all labeling requirements as applicable to the product they sell. All labels should include the vendor's name or name of the business.
If a vendor uses a third party for any packaging and or/labeling needs of a product they made, they will provide a proof of the transaction to the market staff within three days of the request. Only invoices issued onto the vendor’s name will be accepted.
A concern about violation of market Integrity will result in a Challenge Farm visit on a short notice (three days or less). A violation of the Integrity principle can terminate a vendor's market membership of the current season without a refund and might jeopardize future participation at the farmer’s markets.
The goal of the farm inspections process is to verify that our members are upholding the producer-only rules of Menomonie Farmers Market.
• Having a transparent inspection process helps keep our members honest.
• The inspections process helps keep a level playing field between our members.
• The inspections process helps maintain the trust of our customers.
The claims that are made about the Menomonie Farmers Market and what is sold there are the foundation of a relationship between vendors and the public.
1. New Member Inspection (Initial farm visit)
All new market applicants agree to follow all rules and acknowledge that products must be of their production. Vendors agree to allow for inspections of records and products – this can be done electronically or on-site. Vendors grant permission to inspect their farm/facility to determine eligibility to participate at the Farmer’s Market. New Member inspection is performed during the application process. Market CEO and at least one management team member must be present if inspection is done on-site.
2. Routine Inspection
Is performed by a daily market manager at the market.
At-Market Inspection
• Products available for sale are cross-referenced with products listed on the application
• Available products, packaging, boxes, truck, product labels, etc. may be photographed
• A spot-check of required licenses, recipes, processing invoices etc. may be conducted
• Temperature readings of coolers, samples, etc., may be taken
• The market manager will discuss operations, involvement, growing practices, varietals, etc. with the vendor
3. Challenge farm visit
Reason for a challenge farm inspection: a complaint from a market vendor, market patron or an anonymous complaint. Market manager must first present a complaint to the management team for voting if it is a reason for a challenge inspection.
Challenge Farm Visit Protocol
1. A vendor is notified of a complaint with general wording and no details are provided.
2. A farm visit is scheduled to be performed at earliest convenience by one of the management team members. Vendor in question may not attend the market until a farm visit is performed.
3. All challenge visit materials are turned in to the management team for further voting.
4. Vendor is notified of the voting results and given a copy of inspection forms
5. Management team’s decision is final and may be appealed to the Board of Directors only if the vendor's membership is terminated.
In a situation that a complaint is found sufficient, and a violation is found during the Challenge Farm Visit the following decisions can be made:
Issue a violation (first, second, third)
Suspend membership of a Vendor
Terminate membership of a Vendor
Prohibit sale of a specific product/group of products for a season
Inspection forms remain in the vendor’s file for three years. The Menomonie Farmers Market strives to inspect vendors in a manner that is fair, transparent, and equal. If the name and contact information of the person submitting a complaint is known, then a letter with the inspection results will be sent to the addressee.
Menomonie Farmers Market is a producers-only market. All vendors agree to follow the Integrity Principle of a producers-only market and allow the market management team to perform farm visits in accordance with the market Integrity Policy.
All products being sold during the market must be produced by the vendor within a 30-mile radius of Menomonie. The Market CEO reserves the right to include products grown outside of that radius if inclusion of the product will enhance the market.
Membership is not guaranteed. All applications are subject to approval.
A new vendor is a vendor that has not participated in the market during the two seasons prior to the application.
All new vendors must first submit a New Vendor Form and pay a Screening Fee. This fee is non-refundable and will not be applied towards annual membership if membership is approved.
New Vendor forms are available on the market website: https://www.menomoniefam.org/newvendorform to be filled out and submitted electronically or downloaded as PDF to be completed and mailed. Paper copies are always available from the market manager during the market days or to be mailed per request.
The Market CEO will screen New Vendor Forms and contact New Vendors if additional information is needed. Membership is not guaranteed and is subject to approval.
Businesses with a storefront will be pre-approved by the Market CEO on a case-by-case basis.
A returning vendor is a vendor in good standing with the market that has participated in any of the TWO seasons prior to the current market season. All returning vendors are provided with a current year application and are approved immediately. A vendor that has their membership terminated in the past two years must first submit a New Vendor Form.
Vendors give Menomonie Farmer’s Market a permission to use pictures of their farm, process or finished work taken by the Menomonie Farmers Market staff during farm/business visit and to also use public pictures of their business retrieved electronically from businesses’ social media
(FB, Instagram or other) or website/Etsy to promote the market.
Vendor spots are approximately ten by ten feet.
Priority to use spaces under the pavilion will be given to full time farmers and food producers.
Vendors will be assigned stalls prior to the first market day based on a type of product they offer, number of days in attendance and number of applications accepted. Stalls will be assigned ONLY for the days that are specified on the “Menomonie Farmers Market Application”.
Spots are assigned by a market manager. Vendors may request a special place for health reasons only. Vendors are guaranteed a same seasonal spot only if applying for a full season.
Vendors may request to make changes to their application; reschedule or add days. This request must be in writing and at least FIVE DAYS prior to the dates affected by those changes. If a vendor decides to add more days other than specified in the original application they are not guaranteed to keep the same spots on those additional days.
Vendors applying for less than a full season and full-time vendors that have applied after the due date are not guaranteed the same seasonal spot and can be moved from one spot to another during the season as spots become available. Market manager will make every effort to assign the same location, but that is not always possible.
Double spots can be assigned to the vendor per request on their seasonal application. Double spot under the pavilion is not guaranteed and is subject to approval and space availability.
If a vendor is not able to attend the market for any reason and must cancel, they need to contact the market manager no later than 6AM on Saturdays and 8AM on Wednesdays. Cancellation notice can be sent via email to: manager@menomoniefam.org or via text message to 651-327-0038. Vendors will forfeit their fee for the day.
If a vendor is not in attendance for a period of two weeks without prior notice, the application will be void and vending space will be considered open to other vendors.
If a vendor fails to notify the market manager of a cancellation and does not appear at a scheduled market date, it will be considered a "No-Show". If a vendor does this more than 3 times, they will risk losing their market membership.
It is the responsibility of every vendor to know if it is required to collect and remit Wisconsin Sales Tax. All vendors must submit a copy of their Seller Permit with their application or fill out an exemption form.
All permits and licenses are the sole responsibility of the vendors. Applicants must submit copies of all permits/licenses with their application OR at least five days prior to the first day of attendance if licenses are still being processed at the time of application. Vendors are responsible to provide an update to the market manager if their licenses are being revoked, annulled, re-issued or annually renewed within one week of the licensing change.
Only licensed vendors offering processed or “ready to eat” foods will be approved to participate, unless exempt from licensing. Copies of all licenses are to be submitted at the time of application. Home bakers may be approved if inclusion of their product will enhance the market and have a letter from Dunn Co Health Department confirming approval.
Vendors selling processed produce, flavored honey or flavored maple syrup must have a food processing license. Only unprocessed produce and raw honey, raw maple syrup is allowed for sale without a license.
Vendors offering processed or “ready to eat foods” are responsible for obtaining all licenses and permits to be approved to sell such items at the Menomonie Farmers Market. Licenses are to be issued by the Dunn County Public Health Department and/or the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Copies of all licenses and permits must be on file with the Market Manager prior to selling at the Market.
It is suggested that all permits be displayed for customers to view.
Vendors may not advertise that they have organic products unless they have been certified organic. A copy of the certification must be on file with the Market Manager.
All vendors agree to obey General Food Labeling Guidance and follow all labeling requirements as applicable to the product they sell. All labels must include the name of the business/maker, including any labels packaged by a third party.
Menomonie Farmers Market will open for the summer season on the third Saturday in May and run every Wednesday and Saturday through the third Saturday in October. Winter Market dates are to be announced in September.
2024 Market Days and Times are: Wednesdays 10AM-6PM and Saturdays 8AM-1PM.
Vendors may participate full season, half season or partial season.
The Market will occur rain or shine. If there is a severe storm the market will not be held. If a severe storm occurs during the market vendors and customers are directed to use the bathrooms located in the band shell.
Only vendors and/or their designated helpers are allowed to sell at the market.
Vendors may not bring animals to the market unless it is a Service Animal and is required due to a disability. A service animal means an animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs are not service animals. A doctor’s letter does not turn an animal into a service animal.
Vendor space is approximately ten feet by ten feet. Inside the pavilion absolutely no nails, staples or other damaging fasteners are to be used. Outside the pavilion absolutely no stakes are to be driven into the grass, use of weights for the tents is recommended.
Vendors must furnish their own tents, tables & chairs. Vendors selling “ready to eat” lunch foods are required to sell from Food Trucks OR White Tents only.
If a Vendor chooses to use sides for their tent, they must be those manufactured specifically to be used with a tent.
Vendors are responsible for cleaning and/or sanitizing their tables before placing items on the tables. Vendors may choose to use washable table covers. Vendors are responsible for cleaning space at the end of each Market Day. Vendors serving ready to eat foods are responsible for cleaning the customers’ tables and taking away garbage to the dumpster.
Items may NOT be placed in front of vendor space. No food items may be placed directly on the ground. This rule especially applies to pumpkins, watermelons, and squash.
Set-up times are: 6AM-7:30 AM on Saturdays and 8AM-9:30AM on Wednesdays. Vendors will not be allowed to set up after 7:30 AM on Saturday or 9:30 AM on Wednesday.
In a situation where a vendor is not at the market by 7:30AM on Saturday or by 9:30 AM on Wednesday their spot is considered open to other vendors.
In a situation of unforeseen circumstances, a vendor will be arriving to the market after the normal set-up times, they must inform the market manager in writing by sending a text to the following number: 651-327-0038
Vendors are to drive up, unload and move their car/trucks immediately to allow space for other vendors. Vendors may not start organizing their booth while their car remains parked in the customer parking space.
Vendors are prohibited from driving into the Pavilion or on the grass.
Vendors may only use the parking area as indicated for vendors. Vendors and/or their helpers may not remain parked on 8th Street, 9th Avenue or Wilson Avenue. These spaces are reserved for customers and event patrons.
Sales are NOT allowed prior to market hours (before 8 AM on Saturday/10 AM on Wednesday).
Respect other vendors and market customers. Profanity, yelling, and heckling will not be tolerated.
Vendors may not sublet space. Market Manager retains the right to approve and facilitate all arrangements pertaining to subletting space.
Consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking are not allowed in the market area. This applies to vendors, helpers, and customers.
Price and terms of sale are solely between buyer and seller. All prices must be displayed. All vendors agree to abide by fair business practices.
Vendors may begin to tear down their booths at 6 PM on Wednesdays and 1 PM on Saturdays.
A vendor will forfeit their spot under the pavilion if three or more late arrivals or early teardowns will be noted.
Vendors may leave the market earlier ONLY
if there is a family emergency
if they sell out prior to the end of the market day
at 2PM on Wednesdays (must be completely out by 2:30 PM)
Vendors must inform the market manager that they will leave early prior to beginning breaking down their booth.
Vendors must first tear down their booths, fold tents, have their products in bins/boxes and only then drive up to load items in the car/truck.
Leftover produce/products may NOT be placed in the trash bins.
Vendors are invited to participate in market’s ZERO WASTE efforts and:
Use Compost basket or talk to other vendors: they may be interested in using it for compost.
Donate to Stepping Stones/Food Pantry
Donate flowers
If a vendor is not able to attend a market for any reason, they can have helpers that will be selling for them. This can be a family member, friend or hired person. Other vendors that have membership with the Menomonie Farmers Market cannot be helpers if they also have a booth at the market on the same day.
One person cannot sell at two booths on the same day. This does not apply to bathroom/lunch breaks while vendors are present at the market.
All helpers must know and follow the Market Rules and Regulations and have a Helper Form signed. If a helper violates the market rules, the violation is issued under Vendor’s name.
All vendors selling SNAP-eligible products MUST accept market tokens.
Vendors MUST display a sign that they are accepting market tokens.
How the program works:
• The customer brings their EBT card (food stamp card) to the market information booth. They decide how much they want to spend at the market and ask the market staff to sell them tokens worth that amount.
• The market staff person swipes the card through the terminal. The amount of the
sale is debited from the customer’s card. The market staff person gives the customer tokens for
the full amount requested.
• The customer shops at the market for eligible foods, using tokens like cash.
• At the end of the market day, each vendor turns in all tokens received to the market manager, in exchange for a receipt for the full value of tokens received.
• The Menomonie Farmers Market Inc staff will process a payment to the vendor or mail the check to the farm or vendor’s business address.

• No US currency is to be given as change or exchanged for tokens in any manner. The sale
must be for the exact amount of the script or the customer can make up the difference with cash.
• Accept only Menomonie Farmers Market tokens. No other market association tokens can be
accepted at this market.
• All market vendors and farmers must accept tokens for eligible food products. Customers using tokens must receive the same respect as other customers.
• All food-stamp eligible food items, food seeds and food plants can be purchased with tokens.
• No hot food or non-food items such as flowers, clothing or crafts can be bought with tokens.
Vendors may not act as Menomonie Farmers Market representative on any social media platforms and speak as Menomonie Farmers Market unless they manage the Menomonie Farmers Market social media page.
Vendors may not create pages or events on social media for the Menomonie Farmers markets. All events are created by the official Menomonie Farmers Market page and vendors may add those events to their personal or business pages.
Vendors are highly welcome to tag Menomonie Farmers Market, post in events or on Facebook page for the Menomonie Farmers Market. Use of hashtag #GetFreshWithUs is encouraged.
Market management will do their best to share vendor’s posts to the market page, if the post is made public. Management can not see vendor’s posts on social media if they were blocked.
Use of Menomonie Farmers Market logo or images taken by the market staff is allowed with a written permission only.
Membership Fees are due at the time of application. Membership fees are published on the current year application.
Membership Fee is waived to any vendor applicant under the age of 18, under the Menomonie Farmers Market “Bloom where you are planted” program. The program is offered to local area residents under the age of 18 who intend to sell items they have made/grown by themselves without any help from others.
Membership fee is waived to any local non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that wants to have an information booth with the intent to distribute information about their organization and services. No sales will be allowed and no items can be offered for a “donation”.
All Fees are non-refundable.