The Menomonie Farmers Market was found in 2000 by a group of local farmers that were offering their farm fresh produce for sale on Saturday mornings. The market has changed its location several times, and was held by the Clock Tower, in Wilson Park and in Rec Park until it was finally moved to its permanent location in Wilson Park, once the Wilson Park Pavilion was built in 2017. Wilson Park is located in Downtown Menomonie, at the corner of 8th Street and 9th Avenue.
In 2024, Menomonie Farmers Market will open for its 24th Summer Season on Saturday - May 18th and will operate on Wednesdays (10:AM-6PM) and
Saturdays (8AM-1PM) through October 19th.
Since 2000, the Menomonie Farmers Market has seen a remarkable growth in participation and sales. A typical market day has vendors selling everything from vegetables to fruit, eggs, meats, cheese, bakery, soaps and lotions, and handmade crafts.
The market also provides a direct service to low-income seniors and families. The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program and the Women, Infants and Children Program vouchers can be redeemed at the market. These USDA programs assist low-income senior citizens and families in purchasing fresh and healthful produce directly from farmers.
The market also accepts EBT (Foodshare).
We are a producers only market!
Menomonie Farmer’s Market is a producers-only market. All vendors agree to follow the Integrity
Principle of a producers-only market and allow market staff and/or advisory board members to perform
farm visits in accordance with the market Integrity Policy.
ALL PRODUCE FARMERS certify that all produce sold at the Menomonie Farmer’s Market is grown by
them from seeds or plugs. Growers honestly share their farming practices, fertilizer usage, herbicide
application and harvesting time with market staff and customers alike.
ALL ANIMAL/POULTRY/FISH FARMERS certify that all animal products and by-products sold at the market
are from animals grown on their farm. Farmers certify that all animals/poultry were born on their farm
or purchased at a young age and have been raised on their farm no less than:
- For poultry: raised on my farm no less than eight weeks
- For beef/cattle: raised on my farm no less than twelve months
- For small ruminants & swine: raised on my farm no less than six months
- For eggs: chickens raised on my farm no less than twelve weeks
ALL FOOD PRODUCERS certify that all items sold at the market are made by them following their original
formulas, recipes, formulations and techniques.
ALL ARTISTS certify that all items sold at the market are made by them from scratch and are of the original
design. Artists pledge to never use pre-mixed/partially constructed products sold in bulk or in kits and use
as many local ingredients as possible.
All Vendors agree to display name of their business prominently and conspicuously in their booth. They
agree to obey the Food Labeling Guide and follow all labeling requirements as applicable to the product
they sell. All labels include vendor’s name or name of the vendor’s farm/business, including any labels
packaged by a third party.
Vendors understand that a concern about market Integrity will result in an additional farm visit within
3 days of the concern coming to the attention of the market manager. Vendors understand